August 26, 2008

Turning Over a New Leaf or Two

Today has been a day of interesting events and revelations.

Andrew was finally hired on last month after being nervous of lay-offs of temps. Well this morning he came home and informed me of some really crazy news. Even though he was just hired on, he is now getting laid off. He cried, I cried, and lots of tears were released and covered our pillows as we lay in our beds pondering our situation.

A reality was brought forth that I'm not going to make completely public quite yet, but I just want to ask that those of you who are reading this keep us in your prayers and thoughts as our journey begins once again.

Anyways, Friday we are going to this event called Tribal Fest. They are going to have a bunch of interesting bands that I've never heard of there. Pray that we have fun as this will be a huge release from the stresses of normal life.