September 01, 2008

I have a huge prayer request for myself.

I have a really big social anxiety problem. It is one of those things that I think holds me back from living my life to the fullest and I'm so tired of it. I have so much love to give and so much to pass on to others, but whenever I can barely open up to those who are close to me, I'm realizing that maybe it will be a much more difficult problem to speak to strangers about the important things.

Please pray for the strength to give in to the power God and let it really control me. I need this. We need this.


Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

how has this issue been? I know it was a few months ago now. just wondering if the prayer has been answered or is still in the works.

Jenny - Pocketful Of Posies said...

"We Can Do No Great Things, Just Small Things With Great Love. It Is Not How Much You Do, But How Much Love You Put Into Doing It." ~ Mother Teresa

It doesn't matter what you say, or how you say it. As long as you are speaking in love, you'll be heard. :)