August 17, 2008

An Intro of Sorts

This is a brand new blog for me!

I am a married nineteen year old from Southern Indiana. My husband and I have been learning about lots of things that we want to do in an effort to change and also to become better by not other people's standards, but by our own.

Things that are peaking our interest include simplistic living, green living, spiritual living, Christian living, and a more aware lifestyle. My goal is to chronicle this journey here and thus encourage us to not give up on this. That is where my friends and family are extremely important to me on here!

So your responses are obviously exceptionally important and helpful to us!


Victoria / Justice Pirate said...

I am sure a lot of people think you two are crazy but I really admire that you have a focus and a goal and are working towards those things and all with Jesus in mind while doing so. Don't let anyone mock you for the convictions you have had. muah.